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Benefits of physical activity in Parkinson's disease, there is confirmation.

Vantaggi dell’attività fisica nel Morbo di Parkinson: c’è la conferma - Un Gancio Al Parkinson - FirenzeThe University of Hong Kong published an extensive study in the journal Neurology in which it reported the results of more than 40 research centres on Parkinson's disease and the effectiveness of physical activity on Parkinson's disease.

Various types of exercises were evaluated, ranging from free-body gymnastics, gymnastics with weights, balance exercises, boxing exercises, use of the treadmill for fast walking and many others.

The results were very encouraging:

  • Physical activity improves balance
  • Improves strength
  • Improves the subject's mood and psychological component
  • Increases the effectiveness of drugs
  • It can reduce the amount of medication to be taken
  • Slows down disease progression
  • The results obtained persist for up to 3 months after the end of the training period


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