Via Scipione Ammirato 35/2 50136 Florence

October 22, 2020 0 Comments

Our Association was able to start the study on 39 Parkinson's patients thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio. Donatella Carmi was Vice President of the Foundation, to her about 1

September 24, 2020 0 Comments

International Study on the Benefits of Boxing Training for Patients with Parkinson's Disease At the end of September, a study will start to evaluate and analyse the benefits of boxing training on patients with Parkinson's disease.

August 24, 2020 0 Comments 'A pilot project in Florence. Balance, stability, coordination, hand-eye reactivity: positive results already in three months'. It may seem a paradox. Yet a 'male' sport like boxing can limit the damage caused

August 21, 2020 0 Comments

The University of Hong Kong published an extensive study in the journal Neurology in which it reported the results of more than 40 research centres on Parkinson's disease and the effectiveness of physical activity on

July 14, 2020 0 Comments

June 16, 2020 0 Comments

We have created the Friends of the Association 'A Hook To Parkinson's' membership cards. For an annual fee of € 50 you can become a member and thus receive our newsletter and information on all our

May 25, 2020 0 Comments

We are proud to present the video that Silvia Mancini ( made for the association 'Un Gancio Al Parkinson'.

April 9, 2020 0 Comments

  PRESS RELEASE - CORONAVIRUS, FREE DISTANCE TRAINING FOR PARKINSON'S DISEASES The Florentine association 'Un gancio al Parkinson' launches a series of video lessons to help all those suffering from Parkinson's disease.

February 21, 2020 0 Comments

The dinner of the 'Un Gancio Al Parkinson' association took place as planned last night at the trattoria 'I 4 Leoni' in Piazza della Passera in Florence. We wanted to celebrate the conclusion of the first

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