Via Scipione Ammirato 35/2 50136 Florence

March 24, 2023 0 Comments

Our doctor Maurizio Bertoni, medical director of the Training Lab Firenze, was a guest last Friday at Linea Diretta on TVR TeleItalia together with Jacopo Carrocci. The interview touched on several topics, including the personal approach to the

March 24, 2023 0 Comments

From April, Dr Del Bene, a psychologist, will be visiting the Training Lab. She is available to Parkinson's patients and their relatives.

March 19, 2023 0 Comments

The association 'Un Gancio al Parkinson' has opened a new branch in Florence, after the historic one in Via Scipione Ammirato, at 126 Via Lunga in Isolotto, to meet the growing demand for this therapy.

March 12, 2023 0 Comments

Debunking 4 common misconceptions about living with Parkinson's disease Misconception No. 1 - You can't exercise with Parkinson's disease. We all know that we should exercise

March 6, 2023 0 Comments

A new study by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham supports the premise that inflammation is associated with Parkinson's disease early in its progression. The findings, published today

January 31, 2023 Comments Off

Parkinson's disease is a disorder caused by a loss of cells that produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the body's movement systems. The discovery could immediately

December 22, 2022 0 Comments

Neuroplastic Rehabilitation for People with Parkinson's Disease - Neuroscience Opens New Horizons - by Maurizio Bertoni Parkinson's disease is highly debilitating for patients and can

November 26, 2022 Comments Off

Four years after its foundation, the association 'A Hook for Parkinson's' has made great strides: it is treating more than 100 patients aged between 45 and 80 years with the

October 10, 2022 0 Comments

We would like to thank Buone Notizie del Corriere della Sera, which devoted ample space to 'Art, dance and even boxing. Here are the new 'weapons' to fight Parkinson's'. Here is the extract from the article: 'Forerunners of the "noble art"

September 9, 2022 0 Comments

Proud to participate in this wonderful initiative! Presented five free initiatives of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze project, in collaboration with Fresco Parkinson Institute, L'Immaginario, Comune, Ausl Toscana Centro and Bargello. La

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